Happy Easter From The Team
Happy Easter from all of us! Hopefully the storm passes and we get one last shot at summer weather for Easter and enjoy some outside time with family.
We will be eating eggs in the morning and then opening up some amazing properties for you in the afternoon. So come along and grab an easter egg from us and have a look through a property or two. Make this winter the one where you're cosy and warm in your new dream home.
We've been overwhelmed with the number of people wanting to check if their new CV's are correct. Don't miss out on getting a FREE appraisal. Online Appraisal Can Be Found HERE.
Fill it out here and we'll let you know what your property is worth in todays market in 24 hours - no pressure and all free. We're proud to say we get within 5% of the sell price from our appraisal, including the market right now. That's what 10 years in the industry and area gives you - honesty.
We all know that Easter can be all about kids wanting more and more chocolate! So we decided to help ease the sugar rush and give you something else to do with the family. Inside this years activity book is crafts that can be done at home with ease, some neat recipes to create together and nice down time colouring in and puzzles.
Jump in and either use on line as a digital magazine or click the download button and print off.
Residential Construction Still Booming
We've been hearing there is a shortage of labour and building goods. But the figures tell us otherwise.
The supply of new housing continues in boom mode with a record 49,733 new dwellings consented throughout the country in the 12 months to the end of February this year, according to Statistics New Zealand. That's almost 1,000 new homes a week, and is up 25.3% compared to the 12 months ended February 2021.
In the month of February this year consents were issued for 4,195 new dwellings, up by 34.1% compared to February last year.
The biggest growth in percentage terms has been for retirement village units, with 2,942 consented in the 12 months to February this year, up 64% compared to the previous 12 months.
Stand- alone houses remain the most popular type of new dwelling being built, with 25,528 consented in the 12 months to February, outnumbering all other dwelling types combined.
However that gap is rapidly closing with strong growth in medium density developments likely to push their numbers ahead of stand-alone dwellings in the not too distant future.
We have some great properties that aren't quite on the market yet - this is a great time to view them privately and snag a good deal!
Mairangi Bay - 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, freehold site
Hillcrest - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living, Freehold Title
Milford - 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 toilets - a tidy modernised property.
Oteha - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 lounge, double garage. Single level brick and tile. Freehold Title.
Jump the queue and chat with Team Roberts on 021 150 1476 to get in for a private viewing this coming week!
WOW - what a week can do - nearly a percentage point higher on all terms. BUT we do have people we trust that can help you get a better deal, so don 't apply on your own - we can help. Talk with us and we can help you get what is best for you and your circumstances.
1 year - 4.70%
2 years - 5.35%
3 years - 5.65%
4 years - 5.89%
5 years - 5.99%
If you are looking to sell, buy or interested in a free property appraisal of your property, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Right - we're off to have a Hot Cross Bun and a team meeting to make sure we have all the Open Homes covered this weekend. And we have private viewings too, so please get in touch and request a time that suits you over this long weekend.
Gavin, Michelle, Sam, Trey and Penny
P.S. Make sure you like us on Facebook and Instagram too so you can keep up with all our antics, property education and new listings. We will share with you our Easter pics too.